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Angel Backers

Dear Prospective Angel Backer,


My life has taught me a priceless lesson.  I have come to realize that money is not the root of all evil or all good.  However, when monetary success comes as a result of contributing to the greater good of our fellow humans and planet, it becomes a blessing.

Bill Gates was not driven by the pursuit of money, but rather by his conviction that personal computing, rather than main frame corporate computing was going to be the major part of our future. In his book, ‘The Road Ahead,’ which he wrote in 1993, he previewed the lives we are living today, and will be living down the Road of Time. 

As a result of his vision and dedication, he has become one of the wealthiest people in the world.  And now, thanks to his former wife, Melinda, along with Warren Buffett, they have formed an alliance of other billionaires known as ‘The Billionaires Club.’

To join, one has to be worth at least two billion dollars, and have agreed to give away at least half of their fortune.  To that end, Buffett has agreed to give away 95% of his enormous wealth, mostly to ‘The Bill and Melinda Foundation.’ 

We are dedicated to establishing Friend Ship Productions & Publishing as a hybrid enterprise, blending the best of for-profit and not-for-profit business structures.  We aim to become a go-to-source of media projects and project blueprints that challenge, inspire, educate and, of course, entertain, and do so profitably into the distant future.

Our approach represents a low risk capital downside and a virtually unlimited upside.  If you’d like to discuss our plans and possibly becoming one of our Angel Backers, call or email me and we’ll talk.

Life is a Co-Creation,

Richard R. Roller
(310) 720-3234

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